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Zašto vozimo skutere? Why do we ride scooters?

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Ceste u dalmatinskim gradovima mogu biti jako male, uske i strme.

Many roads in Dalmatian cities can be very small, narrow, and steep.

Parking je uvijek gnjavaža, a promet ljeti zna biti katastrofa.

Parking is always a hassle and traffic in summer can be a complete mess.

Zgodno je imati mali motor koji se može provlačiti između auta i parkirati na malo prostora - besplatno.

It is more convenient to have a small motorbike that can weave in and out of the cars and find parking in small spaces - free of charge.

Volim gledati i mlade i stare kako voze svoje motorine.

I love watching people of every age driving their small scooters.

Uređene frizure ispod kaciga, žene u štiklama, muškarci u odijelima koji idu po djecu nakon škole...

Styled hair-dos under helmets, women in high heels, men with suits picking up their children after school...

A osjetiti nalet vjetra na licu u vožnji - neprocjenjivo!

And feeling the air rush against your face while driving - priceless!

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