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Writer's pictureSanja Croata

Idemo na kavu! Let's go get coffee!

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

U Hrvatskoj kava nije samo piće.

In Croatia coffee is not just a drink.

Dan počinje s mirisom svježe kuhane kave - prvo kava pa onda sve ostalo.

Our day starts with the smell of fresh-made coffee - coffee first and then everything else.

Ne mogu zamisliti dan bez bijele kave.

I can't imagine a day without latte.

Bijela kava

Kava je izgovor za druženja i zanimljive razgovore.

Coffee is that excuse which leads to meetups and interesting conversations.

Kava je ona prijeko potrebna pauza od napornog posla.

Coffee is that much needed break after working hard.

Kava je druženje s prijateljima na sunčanoj terasi.

Coffee is hanging out with friends on a sunny terrace.

Kava je idealan poklon kada ideš kod tetke ili prijatelja.

Coffee is a perfect gift when you visit your aunt or a friend.

Volim kad mi prijatelji dođu s ciglom Franckove kave.

I love when my friends come with a package of Franck coffee (we call it a brick - cigla 😁).

Kod kuće uglavnom pravimo tursku kavu.

At home, we like to brew Turkish coffee.

Miris kave može te odvesti bilo gdje.

The smell of coffee can take you anywhere.

Kava je jezik za sebe.

Coffee is a language itself.

Kakvu kavu ti voliš?

What type of coffee do you like?

Espresso i macchiato

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